
Is Crochet Considered  Fiber Art?


"Fiber Art is a form of art that creates whole objects (whether functional or ornamental) with fibrous material (whether natural or artificial)."

"Is Crochet considered Fiber Art? Crochet is considered Fiber Art for obvious reasons. It is a process that produces whole objects, which can be functional (such as socks) or ornamental  (such as crochet figures)."


"Of course, Crochet is not the only Fiber Art out there; crafts like Quilting and Knitting are also considered Fiber Art."


"Fiber Art is a conglomeration of two words – Fiber and Art. If we define both terms separately, the inclusion of Crochet as Fiber Art becomes obvious."

What is Fiber Art?


". . .we hinted that fiber art comes from turning fiber into fabric. Well, there are many ways to create fabric from fiber. . ."


Methods of Making Fiber Art